GCAT - Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation

Join the GCAT Board of Directors

Deadline to apply extended to March 31st!

We’re starting to make plans for the 2025 Annual Meeting of members to be held in February. (Our new date will be in April — details to follow soon!)

One of the Annual Meeting’s agenda items is the election of Directors to your Board. GCAT’s Directors are elected by its members.

We hope that you will consider standing for election to the Board. By serving as a Director you can have a significant impact on GCAT’s mission of increasing the quantity, quality and safety of active transportation in the City of Guelph.

Your GCAT Board seeks a balance between continuity and turnover among its Directors. This year, as a result of natural turnover, the Board is seeking three Directors who would be a good fit in any of the Board’s three standing committees. These committees are Programming and Events, Advocacy, and Governance and Administration.

In addition to these positions, the GCAT Board is expanding from 9 to 11 Directors in order to begin the process of achieving its long-term strategic direction. Specifically, the Board wishes to increase its expertise in any of the following areas:

• Communications
• Fundraising and Grant Writing
• Financial Management and Accounting

GCAT members who have interest and experience in any of these important functions or in one or more of the GCAT Committees are encouraged to complete the Expression of Interest Questionnaire.

If you are interested in serving as a GCAT Director, please read the Director Job Description  and the GCAT Bylaws

How to Apply

If you would like to stand for election to the GCAT Board, complete our Expression of Interest Questionnaire. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information about candidates to be shared with GCAT members in order that they can make informed decisions when voting for Directors to sit on the Board.

Please contact either Co-Chair if you have any questions or would like to talk with someone about serving on the GCAT Board.

The deadline for completing the form is February 13th is now extended to Monday, March 31st, 2025.

Thank you.

Andre Hueniken (andre_hueniken@gcat.ca)
Adam Bonnycastle (adam_bonnycastle@gcat.ca)
Co-Chairs, GCAT Governance and Administration Committee

Active Transportation