Our Approach
Our approach is built on years of experience from active community members who have shared their time and expertise to make GCAT an effective organization in promoting active transportation.
Advocacy is any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others. Advocacy involves organizing, educating, and researching.
Our main focus at GCAT is advocacy – to improve the quantity, quality and safety of active transportation in Guelph. This is accomplished through advocacy at city hall on a municipal level, as well as on a provincial level. We provide educational material for the public as well as political leaders that helps them to learn the importance of public transportation and how best to improve the infrastructure and public awareness around active transportation.
Sometimes we partner with other organizations or groups to deliver projects to the community.

Community Events
GCAT runs community events every year. This allows our organization to reach new people and connect those who have previously been involved. Our events are often a mix of fun and education, and of course, active transportation! We have regular bike rides throughout the year and you can also find us tabling at many events throughout the year. This year, our events have slowed during COVID 19 but keep your eye on the calendar for events to come!
Throughout the year, we provide resources to organizations and individuals that are interested in promoting or increasing awareness around active transportation. Resources can often be in the form of people power, but we’ve also put together presentations for City Hall for key topics like the Speedvale Bridge Underpass or the Emma to Earl Pedestrian Bridge.

GCAT has projects that happen throughout the year. Like events, projects are a great way to connect with community members and spread awareness of the benefits of active transportation. Often, projects focus on a specific cross section of the organization, or sometimes we partner with other organizations or groups to deliver projects to the community.