How GCAT Succeeds
Setting Targets
Each year we come together to learn about issues around active transportation in Guelph. We work together with City Hall, business owners, and community members to set appropriate goals and targets. Our Board of Directors reviews these targets and goals each month to measure our successes and failures in tangible ways that allow us to learn and grow in the community.

Community Involvement
GCAT wants to ensure that the work that we do is relevant and important, and the best way to do this is to work directly with the community. By participating in local events, working with local business owners, and listening to members of the community, we can make sure that the projects we take on are important and needed to help support our overall mission.

Support From You
Along side with GCAT being involved in community activities, we are so grateful to have the support of so many amazing members and volunteers who make up the “GCAT family”. Volunteers give their time, talents, and money to help support the organization and we could not do the work without them! Learn more about how you can get involved.