GCAT - Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation

2024 Annual Meeting

Watch the meeting recording on GCAT’s youtube channel!

Tuesday, February 20th at 7:00 pm
Royal City Brewery or online via Zoom (Hybrid Meeting)

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about GCAT’s activities in 2023 and plans for the upcoming year, vote for new board members, connect with old and new friends, and enjoy food and drink together!

Guest Speakers: Mayor Cam Guthrie and Transportation Planning Manager Jennifer Juste
“Not Just Bikes: How Copenhagen mastered the bike-friendly city”

• To attend the Annual Meeting, please register here
• For memberships, join or renew here

This will be a hybrid meeting. If you are joining us in person, registration opens at 6:30 pm. Want to join Online? Members will receive the Zoom link the day before the meeting. NOTE: In the event of inclement weather, the in-person event will be postponed, and the Annual Meeting will be held online.

2024 Annual Meeting Materials

Important information for this year’s meeting:

Agenda for the GCAT 2024 Annual Meeting
Minutes from the GCAT 2023 Annual General Meeting
Profiles of Candidates for GCAT Board
GCAT 2023 Year End Financial Statements

Notice to Members regarding New Bylaw etc. for Annual Meeting

Bylaw Update: GCAT is required to update its existing Bylaw to comply with changes in the new Ontario Not-For-Profit Act (ONCA) that was passed in 2021. The GCAT Board of Directors passed the new ONCA compliant Bylaw on October 11, 2023. A resolution will be presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting to accept the new Bylaw.

• The new ONCA compliant Bylaw is available for viewing here: NEW Bylaw
• GCAT’s previous Bylaw (approved by the membership in 2020) is available for viewing here: OLD Bylaw

Key changes include:
• As required by ONCA, Officers under the new Bylaw include the Chair and Vice-Chair, replacing the President and Vice-President referenced in the 2020 Bylaw.
• Under the new Bylaw, a Director may not serve for more than 10 consecutive years. The 2020 Bylaw did not limit the length of time that a Director could serve.
• The new Bylaw sets the number of Directors at 9. The 2020 Bylaw also set the number of Directors at 9. However, under the new Bylaw, the Board may from time to time change the number of directors within this range by a special resolution of the Board (67% of quorum).

Special Resolution to Amend Articles
A special resolution will be presented to the membership to amend the GCAT Articles to set the range of directors between a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 13. As referenced above, under the new Bylaw, the Board may from time to time change the number of directors within this range by a special resolution of the Board (67% of quorum).

It should also be noted that another change introduced with ONCA is that the AGM or ‘Annual General Meeting’ will now be known as an AM or ‘Annual Meeting.’

Active Transportation