GCAT - Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation

About GCAT

GCAT (Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation)

Our mission is to increase the quantity, quality, and safety of active transportation in Guelph.

Our vision:

GCAT envisions a future in which Guelph’s citizens can walk or bike around their city in comfort, while contributing positively to public health and happiness, clean air, and a vibrant local economy. Our active transportation network will be designated as essential transportation and it will be inviting, equitable, inclusive, and connected. It will be enjoyable and safe to use in all seasons by people of all ages and abilities.

We have had a number of accomplishments in the history of our organization.

  • In 2018, we advocated for the building of multi-use path along Woodlawn Road to benefit pedestrians, transit users, cyclists. City council approved the design and the path is now in use by many using active transportation to commute to work and run errands in the area.
  • GCAT has always called for increased awareness of cycling and walking as “normal” modes of transportation. We are now seeing an increased number of people using these methods of transportation in the city as it becomes more common place over use of cars and buses.
  • Every year we host and support and number of cycling events that encourage average citizens to cycle more including the Magnolia Ride, Tweed Ride, “Love Your Bike” festival, Cycling with 2Rivers Festival, Guelph Santa Claus Parade, Active Transportation Parade, and Hillside Festival.
  • An important part of safe active transportation includes reduced speeds around school zones. We advocate on behalf of all of Guelph’s citizens to ensure the walking and biking routes are safe in high traffic areas.
  • GCAT has met with MPPs to discuss importance of trail connections including the Hanlon underpass and Woodlawn connection to the G2G trail. The connection of these trails makes it easier for people using active transportation to get around the city easily and safely.
  • We partnered with the City of Guelph and bikemaps.org to create a database to identify trouble spots for cycling in the city. This has made it easier to improve infrastructure in those areas and prioritize specific areas that need attention.
  • We continue to advocate for the proposed underpass at the Speedvale Avenue bridge just east of Woolwich Street. We were successful in getting City council to reverse recommendations of city staff to reject the underpass and continue to work towards including this improvement in Guelph’s active transportation trail network.

Active Transportation